welcome to my world... but don't get too comfortable

Maximilian "Sahnie" Yamakawa

Shortly before the fall of The Wall, he formed Mint Julep with his childhood friends Max (Tutti) and Max (Richy). After winning a battle-of-the-bands contest in their home city of Düsseldorf, they set out with their prize money to record their first music video in Brooklyn... until something goes terribly wrong.

He craves nothing more than good records, fame (infamy will also suffice), beer, and sex—in that order. Is he this way because of his circumstances? Or is he as shallow as man gets? Maybe it's both. He almost considers changing his ways because of Valentina (i.e.: her parents pay for his therapy sessions). Stability scares him, especially when he's so comfortable in his world of destruction.

Since you're on his page, he might as well recommend you some choice music.

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MMAD (maximilian's mirage: angst demons)

>Max (Tutti)
>Max (Richy)